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Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1002)

 Learning about faiths and beliefs at St. George's means that our children will:

Inclusive practice:

We have the highest ambition for all of our children. Through inclusive practice, needs of all will be supported to develop their religious knowledge and skills. 

An inclusive approach to education means that each individual learner is valued and that they are treated with dignity and respect.

In an inclusive classroom, teachers are aware of the diversity of students and work with them to create a safe and collaborative learning environment.

 We will teach our children to describe religious education as:

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Assemblies and  Collective Worship at St. George's

We hold regular non religious assemblies at St George's.  They can focus on current news, British values, careers and other aspects.  They are always opportunities to reflect on our school values and  RESPECT principles.

Collective Worship in Schools guidance  states that all maintained schools schools must provide religious education and daily collective worship for all registered pupils and promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development.  We do this daily with a time of reflection to celebrate our values and what we are proud of at St George's.

Collective worship in county schools and equivalent grant-maintained schools must be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character, though not distinctive of any particular Christian denomination.

We hold regular assemblies led by Wallasey Churches to share their Christian views and practice. 

We also invite in practitioners from other faiths to share their beliefs, culture and practice.   We have been delighted to host representatives from Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Hindu religions.

All of these assemblies are about education, respect and understanding.  They are not religious practice.

Withdrawing your child from Religious Education and Religious Collective Worship Assemblies:

Department for Education guidance on religious education makes it clear that parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from religious education.

We respect and will support parent/carer decisions.

To achieve this and ensure that the correct plan is in place for alternative education we will ask parents and cares to:

  • Send in their request to confidence to Mrs Susan Walters, PA to the senior leadership team.  Her e-mail address is
  • This will be followed up by a discussion in person or over the phone (we will work on your availability) to understand your reasons and what alternative arrangements you would like  in place.
  • Some parents may withdraw their children to practise their chosen religion or access an alternative curriculum.