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Foundation-2 (ID 1007)



Foundation 2

Your teachers are:

F2A - Miss Birch with Mrs Wiggins
F2B - Miss Jones with Mrs Speed-Evans
F2C - Mrs Ainscough with Ms Horton
F2D – Miss Wall and Mrs McKeown with Mrs Makinson

Deputy EYFS Lead - Miss Birch

EYFS/KS1 Lead, Deputy Head - Mrs Binks


Below is a sample timetable for F2 - if you have any question please speak to your class teacher.

EYFS F2 3.png

EYFS F2 4.png


The children will be set home learning activities on Seesaw each week. These are to be completed before the following Wednesday. You can access Seesaw by clicking on the image below. 

EYFS F2 5.png


After October half term the children will bring home reading books and a reading log. Please give your child lots of opportunity to talk about and read their book, then write feedback for the teacher in their reading log. These will need to be returned to class by the following Tuesday.

Spring 2

Spring 1


Autumn 2

Autumn 1


We will also be starting out RWI lessons which teach how to say, read and write our letters. To find out more about RWI click the logo below.
EYFS F2 13.png 




 New parent presentation from the Foundation 2 coffee mornings

foundation 2 coffee morning eyfs presentation 2024.pdf

 PTA presentation for new F2 parents

new parents presentation pta.pdf


st georges eyfs induction booklet 2024.pdf


st georges eyfs policy 2023 24.pdf