What have we been up to in
Foundation 2?
This week in foundation 2 we have been starting to learn about Giuseppe Arcimboldo the artist. Children were set homework to find out some facts about him, it has been lovely to see what they have found out! We have also started back at Forest school. This term it is F2A and F2B's turn to enjoy time in the forest! Here is a sneak peek at some of our work :)
Foundation 2 Jan
A busy first week back to school for foundation 2! Here's a snapshot of what we've been up to!
1st Week back!
Christmas week in Foundation 2!
This week we have had a number of exciting events! From Santa visiting our very own Grotto and reading a lovely story while the children enjoyed a biscuit and hot chocolate, to visits from Santa's very helpful elves who sang some lovely songs and read a story! We have also completed a Santa dash! Enjoyed a cinema afternoon watching a film, and had a class party to celebrate the last day of term and christmas. What a lovely last week of term!
Christmas in foundation 2
Another busy week in Foundation 2! Nativity fever has hit the EYFS building! The children are really enjoying learning all their lines and performing all the songs ready to put on a wonderful show for their parents. But more importantly we are learning the reason why we are celebrating Christmas through our RE lessons. Also this week F2C and F2D have been to forest school this week. It was very cold but the children were wrapped up well and had a lovely time.
Welcome back to a new half term! We have had a busy first week back! F2C and F2D had their first sessions at Forest school, which they thoroughly enjoyed! This week we have also been learning all about Diwali the festival of light. We had a lovely assembly with Mr Nathan from top site!
Foundation 2 Autumn 2 24
We have been super busy in Foundation 2! The children have been learning about balance and climbing in PE. Picasso in Art. AB patterns, sorting and grouping in Maths. In forest school F2A & F2B have been exploring, digging, painting, using different tools and generally having the best time in our wonderful forest school! Take a look at some of our pictures!
F2 week 6&7
Take a look at our pictures from the fabulous wheelie breakfast we had in Foundation 2! Also check out our RESPECT winners!
Foundation 2, Week 5.
We had a very busy week last week in foundation 2! We had a very special visit from our Head teacher Mr Cassidy. He read a lovely story to each class and we had the opportunity to ask him some questions! F2A & F2B had their first sessions at Forest school! And this week we have had our first RESPECT winners for Resilience! We have also been thinking about our attendance. In Foundation 2 we are attendance HEROs! Each week the class with highest attendance will move across the stars towards a class party! At the moment it F2C & F2D are in the lead!
RESPECT awards and Attendance
Learning all about school in foundation 2!
Foundation 2, Our first week
Please check this page for updates of activities which we have taken part in this week at school.