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Year-2 (ID 1009)

Year 2

We are pleased to welcome you to the Year 2 page. The main need-to-know information can be found here as the year progresses. Watch out for additional curriculum information on Seesaw.

If you have a general query, please email and we shall endeavour to reply as soon as we can.

The main team who will be leading your children for the academic year, 2024/25 are:



Support Staff


Mrs Malloy and Mrs Molloy


Mrs Wood

Mrs Hewson

Mrs Breen

Mrs Rynkiewicz

Miss Shaw (PPA cover)


Mrs Rycroft


Miss Cumming


Mrs Cameron -Ivanov


We have an exciting year ahead of us in Year 2!

Please read on to find out more about our year 2 learning.


At St George's we have a RESPECT framework, which the children follow throughout the school. Each half term the children learn about different characteristics of learning. These are resilience, empathy, self-awareness, positivity, excellence, communication and teamwork.

Alongside each characteristic of learning the children will also be introduced to a Learning Hero. Each Learning Hero is someone who shows our characteristic of learning, and this will help the children to learn more about the positive characteristic.


Home Learning

The children will be set spelling activities on Seesaw each Friday. These are to be completed and a photograph should be completed before the following Wednesday, so your child’s class teacher can give feedback. 

Maths home learning will be based on Numbots. All children will receive a login so they can access this from home. 

Termly optional learning tasks will also be set for you to complete throughout the term that link to our current learning. 

The children will bring home reading books daily and a reading log. Please give your child lots of opportunity to talk about and read their book, then write feedback for the teacher in their reading log. These should be sent into school every day with your child’s book bag, so they can change their reading book when needed. 

Literacy and Read Write Inc.

 RWIIn year 2, we will continue with our Read Write Inc. journey, working through the levels, and onto Read Write Inc. comprehension. Please encourage your children to use their knowledge of sounds and corresponding graphemes when reading and writing at home. 

As part of our literacy learning, each term we have key texts that we access through shared reading activities, which go on to inspire our writing. The writing outcomes vary each term, from setting descriptions to non chronological reports, recounts to retelling stories. 





Building on our learning from Autumn term, we'll continue to strengthen our addition and subtraction skills this term. We'll delve deeper, tackling more complex problems before moving on to the multiplication and division, where we'll learn about grouping and sharing.



In our Spring Term science unit, we will investigate living things and their habitats. We will develop our scientific inquiry skills by asking questions, making observations, carrying out research and gathering data to support our learning.


Through our PSHE lessons we are learning about ourselves, how to stay safe and healthy physically and mentally as we grow up, and about some of the people who help us to do this. We will have the opportunity to learn about different careers through a range of careers assemblies.


Our PE focus this term is gymnastics, we will be considering movement, developing balance and creating basic gymnastic shapes with our bodies. We will also be performing and creating different balances with partners.

All year 2 will do PE on TUESDAY. Children should wear their PE kit to school on that day.  Please note PE kits must be a plain white t-shirt, navy blue or black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms. 


This Spring Term, in geography lessons children will use world maps, atlases, and globes to identify, name, and locate the seven continents and five oceans. They will also enhance their understanding of positional language and gain a more comprehensive view of our world.

This term in history, we will study the Great Fire of London and learn from the writings of Samuel Pepys. Children will explore the impact of this significant event and develop their historical thinking skills.


Throughout the year, we will explore some core concepts of different faiths, including Christianity and Hinduism. We will discover different festivals, religious stories and a range of sacred places. 

Art and Design

This Spring, we'll explore mixed media in Art and Design. Children will have the opportunity to experiment with different textures, colours, and techniques and create unique artwork, fostering creativity and refining fine motor skills


Design and Technology 

In our Design and Technology lessons, we will develop our understanding of mechanisms by investigating the use of wheels and axles in everyday objects. Children will then apply this knowledge to design and make their own functional mechanisms to solve a real-world problem.


Children will be using the Blue-Bots to learn all about programming, they will understand the importance of precise instructions, explore program design, create artwork and test its use in programs. Following this children will be introduced to the concept of 'data'. They will learn to collect data using tally charts, understand attributes, and organise data into pictograms and block diagrams.


Throughout the year children will learn to listen and appraise a variety of music. Identify the pulse, rhythm and pitch of music through actions, instruments and voice and create their own simple compositions. In Summer 2 they will create their own digital music piece using Chrome Music Lab.

Forest School

We are a “Forest School” school at St George’s. Throughout year 2, children will have the opportunity to walk up to Top Site to “Dragon Woods”. While at Forest School the children learn about seasons, trees, mini-beasts and much, much more! The children get to experience nature first hand and enjoy the chance to dig in the mud, get creative in the mud kitchen, build fires, and use tools like saws and hand drills- all under close supervision!