Behaviour Links
In this section you will information relating to school policies on behaviour. You may also wish to visit our
Policy can be read at the end of this page explaining how the majority of our work is focused on positive behaviour actions . Application of behaviour zones and sanctions are also clearly communicated.
Our Behaviour Principles Statement is below. At the end of this page are links to our other key policies and documents.
Behaviour Principles Written Statement
Our behaviour expectations are driven by our mission statement to ‘nurture our community through opportunities, innovation and love’.
We teach this through our PSHE scheme and RESPECT principles that are taught termly. Everybody at St George's is committed to ensuring that our school is a safe, happy place to learn.
St George’s primary School is committed to ensuring high behavioural standards for all pupils, and this statement sets out the broad values and principles with regard to behaviours that are expected and promoted. This statement has been approved by the headteacher and the governing board, believing it accurately reflects the school’s ethos and that effective learning and development relies on good standards of behaviour.
The school’s primary concern is the safety, wellbeing and education of all pupils; actions taken in cases of poor behaviour are with the intention of upholding their wellbeing and academic progress, as well as fulfilling our safeguarding responsibilities.
The school will create a respectful, calm and orderly environment to enable pupils to learn effectively.
We believe in positive behaviour management based on the good relationships fostered within the school community. Our behaviour policy should primarily focus on developing the attitudes and behaviours that we want children to demonstrate. Our work on positive behaviour is closely aligned to our curriculum and pastoral work for personal development.
It is central to our teaching and learning pedagogy expectations outlined in dimensions 2 and 3 of the great teaching toolkit pedagogy.
Guiding Principles:
Our primary aim is to promote, secure and celebrate good standards of behaviour.
All members of our community want children to come to a safe, respectful place where the right to learn is valued and preserved.
As a school we believe learning and behaviour go hand in hand. Where there is good learning, we will see positive attitudes and behaviour. Where we see positive behaviour and attitudes, we will see good learning. We also see promotion of positive behaviour as central to our ethos to promote good mental health and well-being.
Actual, practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the headteacher, who will view each case in light of these principles and any relevant policies.
All who are involved within our school are committed to making the children feel good about themselves ensuring that they are proud of their work and developing our children as ambassadors for our community. We want them to be proud of themselves and our school. We are aiming to develop a St George’s identity. Everyone at St George’s Primary School takes responsibility for making our school a happy and positive environment.
The school creates a positive and respectful culture in which staff know and care about pupils. Staff must lead and model respectful relationships at all times.
We have high expectations of all staff and children in promoting positive attitudes and utilise a wide range of strategies to encourage and reward all children in taking responsibility for their own actions and learning. We expect outstanding behaviour as the norm. As a school we seek to provide the children with a guide as to what constitutes good behaviour and discipline in the school. This is done by a variety of means including the modelling of good behavioural standards by all members of staff and discussion with the pupils. At St George’s we work towards standards of behaviour based on basic principles such as trust, respect, truthfulness and responsibility.
At St George’s Primary School, we have developed a behaviour programme which reinforces positive behaviour and addresses unacceptable behaviour. The involvement of pupils, teachers, support staff, governors and parents are actively promoted.
Through the success of our Positive Behaviour Management policy we aim:
- To create a calm, purposeful, safe and happy learning environment.
- To help our children grow and develop. We want them to be the best they can be and have positive attitudes towards learning, relationships and their environment.
- To foster positive, caring attitudes towards everyone where achievements at all levels are acknowledged and valued.
- To ensure that everyone within the school community is listened to and treated with equal respect.
- To promote a respect for individual views, freedom from prejudice and a tolerance and appreciation of difference.
- To create a consistent approach to behaviour management throughout the school, celebrating and praising acceptable behaviour and enforcing clear boundaries for unacceptable behaviour.
- To work in partnership with all members of our school community.
- Develop pupil voice. School council play leaders will be central to review of school’s procedures. Termly pupil interviews will help evaluate understanding and success of this policy.
The school prioritises inclusion and will ensure that all members of the school community are able to enjoy the activities of the school free from any discrimination. The school will create and maintain an atmosphere and ethos of acceptance, equality, diversity, respect, understanding and kindness throughout the school community in everyday practice. The school aims to foster a collective ethos amongst all members of the school community, and promote values of caring, empathy, teamwork and coordination.
The school ensures that rules are consistently applied across the school and where sanctions are exercised, they are in line with the school’s Positive Behaviour Policy and are taken seriously.
Any kind of violence, threatening behaviour or abuse between pupils, or by members of the school community towards the school’s staff, will not be tolerated. If a parent does not conduct themselves properly, the school reserves the right to ban them from the school premises and, if the parent continues to cause disturbance, they may be liable to prosecution.
School does not advocate the use of physical intervention unless it is a crisis point. If required there will be an agreed risk assessment that is approved by the headteacher.
The school does not tolerate offensive or insulting language in any circumstances, and expects polite and considerate behaviour to be maintained by all. Bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and sexual violence are not tolerated, online or offline. Pupils are encouraged to report any case of bullying they experience or observe to school staff, and wherever such behaviour occurs it will be dealt with quickly, consistently and effectively.
The school supports pupils to play a highly positive role in creating an environment in which commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured, and bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated. All pupils are taught to actively support the well-being of other pupils.
All pupils are expected to behave consistently well, demonstrating high levels of self-control and consistently positive attitudes to their education.
Pupils are held to high standards of attendance. The school will take swift, appropriate and action to ensure that problems of lateness and absence are handled effectively.
Staff lead by example and model their conduct in line with the school’s standards. This statement, and the policies that are influenced by it, applies to all pupils and staff inside and outside of school.
RESPECT Principles
Our Positive Behaviour and Personal Social Health Education is focused on how we promote our principles of RESPECT at St George's. They principles that we teach termly are:
The attached leaflet explains how we develop these at St George's and also links to some of our learning heroes. We would love to hear from you on other people that we could include in our learning heroes. If you have any ideas, please contact Mr Cassidy in writing or by e-mailing the school office;
Our children are our biggest ambassadors for the RESPECT principles and behaviours. They often lead assemblies and use the RESPECT principles to reflect on their day and achievements. In July 2024 five of our children won the Liverpool John Moore's University RESPECT Primary competition with their RESPECT submissions.
It was wonderful to see the children experience an official graduation ceremony and then have their moment with the Vice chancellors and senior staff from LJMU alongside the secondary winners from St John Bosco.
Parents are aware that RESPECT is at the heart of our language at St George's. This was a special prize giving event for our school.
Their submissions are below:
Behaviour Zones System
Celebrating the behaviours that we want at St George's. We do this through promoting children's rights to safety, learning and respect and celebrating this through our zone system and positive behaviour reward system.
Below is the school policy and advice on our ethos, zones and sanctions system.
24 - 25 RESPECT Learning Heroes
download_for_offline24 - 25 RESPECT Learning Heroes
- Behaviour Principles Written Statement download_for_offline
download_for_offlineBehaviour Principles Written Statement
- St Georges Primary School - Behaviour Policy September 2024 Updated download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSt Georges Primary School - Behaviour Policy September 2024 Updated
- Whole School RESPECT descriptors EYFS to Y6 UPDATED download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWhole School RESPECT descriptors EYFS to Y6 UPDATED
- Behaviour Principles Written Statement download_for_offline