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Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1002)

Personal, Social, Economic and Health Education


Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is a vital topic that helps children develop important knowledge, skills and attributes for life, for both now and in the future.  We teach it as a discrete subject but it is also threaded throughout all aspects of school life including assemblies, behaviour and safety,

This is best explained in our curriculum overview below:



There are three strands to our curriculum. The image below demonstrates the key areas within each of these. These are taken from the English National Curriculum and the Personal Development expectations for primary schools, and is adapted to the needs of our pupils. 


Our Learning Heroes exemplify our Respect Values. We strive to emulate the example that they set within our lessons and beyond. The full list of our heroes this year is below.



learning heroes whole school.pdf


Finance Education

St George’s = Recognised as a Centre of Excellence by Young Enterprise

St George’s is proud to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious Centre of Excellence status by Young Enterprise, recognising our outstanding commitment to nurturing financial education and entrepreneurial skills among our pupils and wider community.

This accolade celebrates our community's dedication to empowering students with essential life skills, fostering creativity, and building confidence through innovative learning experiences. The school has consistently delivered engaging activities and workshops designed to inspire young minds and prepare them for the future.

As a Centre of Excellence, St George’s Primary has been commended for embedding financial education across and beyond the curriculum. Programs such as Careers Assemblies and the “Young Innovators Challenge” have provided pupils with hands-on opportunities to develop budgeting, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. The school’s collaboration with local businesses and community organisations to support families has further enriched these initiatives, connecting learning to real-world experiences.

The portfolio reviewers stated:

You provided lots of evidence of teaching and learning taking place in school, not only within Maths and PSHE but also your broader curriculum including Careers Assemblies and other enrichment projects and days. We thought your enrichment projects were excellent, offering your pupils to apply their learning in real-life contexts. We also liked that you included elements of family learning and opportunities for the wider community to get involved – well done.

Young Enterprise, a national charity that champions financial education and entrepreneurial learning in schools, praised St George’s for its innovative teaching methods and commitment to inspiring young learners. Representatives from the organisation will visit the school later in the year to present the award formally and meet with staff and students.

Congratulations and a huge thank you for everyone in our community for your role in this outstanding achievement!

Young Enterprise Centres of Excellence


Careers Assemblies 

Each half term, every year group have an assembly delivered from a visitor who will talk to us about their job. We will learn what they do, how they got there, who they help and what equipment they might use. We aim to help our learners aspire, understand what careers are available and what they might need to do to succeed here in the future. Keep an eye on our news page for more information about these each half term.


Digital Safety

At St George's, we use resources from Project Evolve to teach the strands from the UK Council for Internet Safety's Education for a Connected World Framework to develop safety skills, healthy choices and respectful behaviours online.

If you are worried about yourself or anyone else online, as well as speaking to your trusted adults in and out of school, you can visit our online safeguarding page for advice.

CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.
You can make a report directly to the CEOP Safety Centre by clicking on the Click
CEOP button if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe,
scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you
have only ever met online. CEOP take all reports seriously and we will do everything
we can to keep you safe.
As well as making a report to the CEOP Safety Centre, the CEOP Education website
has information and advice to help you if something has happened to you online.


Teaching British Values and Protected Characteristics at St George's

British or Universal Values are threaded throughout our curriculum and in our Personal Development assemblies, activities, and lessons. 




Relationships, Relationships and Sex, and Health Education

St George's Relationships, Relationships and Sex, and Health Education (RSE) curriculum is an important part of our PSHE offer. We ensure that our teaching is age-appropriate and builds on prior learning through quality-assured planning and resources from the PSHE association, cross-referenced with government statutory guidance.

The curriculum overview for the RSE strand is included below and is taught across the year. If you would like more information about this, please contact us.

Sample Lesson Plan RSE Year 6


We are members of the PSHE Association and work with different partners and resources to ensure that our curriculum is robust and practical. This includes (click for links):










There is also further support for our children and their families on our well being services page.

Files to Download