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Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1002)

Physical Education

 Physical Education is a central part of our school's curriculum and well being offer for our children.

All children have access to:

1.  Weekly one hour curriculum P.E lesson.  Starts in Foundation 1.

2.  30 minutes physical activity of their choice as part of our 'golden time' activity.

3.  60 minutes play activity daily with play leader equipment, lunchtime clubs, trim trails and other opportunities provided.

4.  15 hours of free sports clubs every week.

5.  Planned program of wider physical development opportunities including:

  • Forest school from F1 to Year 2
  • Balance bike sessions in EYFS
  • Scooterwise training in Year 1
  • 10 hours of bike-ability in Years 5 and 6
  • Swimming pool onsite for Years 5 and 6 in June so every child is supported to reach national curriculum outcomes.


As well as the opportunities above we also nurture healthy approaches to physical exercise and well being through:

  • Regular opportunities to participate in inter school events for all pupils.
  • At least 2 intra-school competitions for every child.
  • Our Eatwell challenge
  • Termly family fitness events
  • Strong partnerships with local sports clubs to develop opportunities in and out of school.