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KS2 SATs (Y6)

Your child will sit the key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum tests, which are often referred to as SATs, by the end of Year 6.

The assessments are used to measure school performance and to make sure individual children are being supported in the best way possible as they move into secondary school

When are SATs? 

This year, SATs will take place over four days from 13th May to 16th May 2025. 

The timetable is as follows:



Monday 13 May English grammar, punctuation and spelling
- Paper 1: grammar 
- Paper 2: spelling
Tuesday 14 May English reading
Wednesday 15 May Mathematics
- Paper 1: arithmetic
- Paper 2: reasoning
Thursday 16 May Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

What are the tests on?  

While children won’t be able to see what’s on the test beforehand, the assessments only include questions on things that children should already have been taught as part of the national curriculum.  

You can find past papers on GOV.UK. 

As usual, there won’t be a test for English writing or science. Instead, this will be reported as a teacher assessment judgement.  

This is a judgement teachers will make based on your child’s work at the end of KS2.  

Below you can read an information leaflet on the tests and the 2024 papers for all subjects.

When will we find out the results of SATs? 

We will receive test results in early July.  

Before the end of the summer term, we will send you a report which will include SATs results and teacher assessment judgements. 

This should provide you with a good sense of the standard at which your child is working in each subject. 

We will report your child’s test results as a scaled score for the following subjects:

  • Reading
  • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
  • Mathematics

 This is created from the number of marks your child scores in a particular test. A scaled score: 

  • below 100 means that your child may need more support to help them reach the expected standard; 
  • of 100 or more means that your child is working at, or above, the expected standard for the key stage. 

You can also find more information about results at the end of key stage 2 on GOV.UK. 



Examinations (ID 1012)