Y1 Phonics
In June, Year One children have to sit the phonics screening reading test. The test assesses your child's phonetic knowledge. They sit a reading test with a member of our teaching staff and read 40 words using their phonetic knowledge. The test is a combination of real words (e.g; blot, brick) and nonsense words (eg: blat, bruck.)
In recent years the national expectation has been that children can correctly read 32 of the 40 words (but that pass mark may change).
We report whether your child has achieved the national standard or not in their annual progress report in July. All children who do not reach the required national standard have to resit the test at the end of Year 2.
The attached video and test materials provides further information and example of what the test may look like.
Phonics screening check information for parents
download_for_offlinePhonics screening check information for parents
- phonics-screening-check-presentation-for-parents- download_for_offline
- phonics-screening-test-example download_for_offline
Examinations (ID 1012)
KS2 SATs (Y6)
KS2 SATs (Y6)
Grammar School Entrance Exams
Grammar School Entrance Exams
Grammar School Entrance Exams (Statutory Information - Examinations menu tab)
Year 4 Multiplication Test Check (MTC)
Year 4 Multiplication Test Check (MTC)
KS1 SATs (Y2)
KS1 SATs (Y2)
Phonics Screening Tests (Y1/2)
Phonics Screening Tests (Y1/2)
- phonics-screening-check-presentation-for-parents- download_for_offline