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Foundation-1 (ID 1006)

Online Links - Foundation 1


As of September there is a new curriculum for EYFS. Below are details of the new curriculum, if you have any questions please ask your class teacher.


Please find below a list of useful websites for you and your children to access learning at home. Please use our online diary, (Interactive Learning Diary) to share any photos or work with your class teacher.

Intetractive Learning Diary:

View and share your child's observations.


Phonics Play has some free games that are brilliant for children to help with their phonics.

Phonics Bloom has lots of Phonics activities, we are concentrating on Phase 2 and 3.

Oxford owl is a website that has many books that the children can read; your class log in will be inside your child's yellow reading log, please record in your reading log any books which your child reads.

Recomended from

This links provides some useful apps for the childrens tablets.



Topmarks has lots of good maths games that the children can play, some game are:


Your child's mental well being is important. Everyone needs the opportunity to stop and relax. Below is a list of videos which the children follow actions to help them relax.

Pizza Massage:

Deep Breathing:

Cosmic Yoga:




Contains lots of video which the chldren can copy the actions to keep healthy and active. Particular favourites are "Banana, Banana, Meatballs.", "Milkshake" and "Dinosaur Stomp"

Super moovers:

Contains lots of fun videos for the children to copy the actions. The children enjoy trying to dodge the obstacles in Danger Mouse.

I movers:


Useful EYFS links:

The website link below, from Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership, handy hints and resources for keeping your little ones (and bigger ones) safe.

Twinkl have opened their website up for parents to access resources at home. Please open the attached letter for more information including the access code.