Foundation-1 (ID 1006)
Foundation 1
Foundation 1
What have we been up to in F1?
What have we been up to in F1?
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What have we been up to in
Foundation 1?
Please check this page for updates of activities which we have taken part in this week at school.
Mr Wolf's Pancakes
This week we have been reading Mr Wolf's Pancakes, the children have been introduced to lots of traditional tale characters and have created a story map helping them to be able to retell the story.
The children have completed jigsaws, drawn and painted pictures of the different characters. They have practised their number ordering with the help of the gingerbread man, and thought about their favourite pancake toppings.
F1 - Mr Wolf Pancakes
Exploring 4
We have been looking at the number 4 and the different ways in which we can show 4. The children explored 2D shapes and discovered that lots of shapes have 4 sides. There are squares, rectangles, diamonds, parallelograms and kites. The children then went on a shape hunt to see which 4 sided shapes they could find.
F1 - Squares
Chinese New Year.
This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year, we have been reading the story ‘Dragons in the city’. In the story Evie and Bo decorate the house with paper lanterns, received lucky red envelopes, watched a parade including a dragon dance and added a wish to the wishing tree.
We made our own paper lanterns, puppet dragons, red envelopes - including a chocolate coin and a Chinese New Year card. We all worked together to create a giant dragon head, and we then performed in our own dragon dance.
F1 - Chinese New Year
Physical Education
We are lucky to have P.E taught to us by a gymnastics teacher. This week in P.E we revisited our gymnastics shapes, Star, Straight and tuck. We also learnt 3 new shapes, straddle, front support and V-seat. At the end of our busy and energetic PE lesson we had a relax by completing a yoga session.
Garden birds
The children have been learning about winter UK birds. The children listened carefully to descriptions of the birds and were able to identify robins, magpies, blackbirds and blue tits. We listened to the birds songs and use binoculars to see if we could spot the birds flying around school. At forest school we made bird feeders so that the birds can have food to eat during the cold weather.
F1 - Birds
Winter Fun
Welcome back F1 - we hope you had a lovely break.
This week we have been looking at winter. We have explored the snow, made paper snowmen, counted out marshmallows for hot chocolates, subitised out numbers to 5 to make snowmen.
F1 - Winter
Christmas Fun!
We have been very busy this festive period:
We have performed our Christmas Jingles, had a Santa Dash, watched a festive film, had Christmas dinner, party day, special visitor to Santa's Grotto to have a story and hot chocolate with Santa, and his amazing elves even came into our classroom to say hello!
Our class elf was cheeky and we had lots of fun fixing all the things they broke - pictures of him cut up like a jigsaw, AB pattern bracelets pulled apart, tall towers knocked over and all of our coloured blocks mixed up.
Have a happy Christmas everyone
F1 - Christmas Fun
We have been learning all about a new "ARTIST" this half term. We looked at the work and life of Yayoi Kusama.
She loves spots, and she covers "Everything in dots, and wasn't sorry."
The children learnt how to print spots and dots onto their artwork. They "dip" into the paint, "wipe" off excess paint, "print" onto the paper and "lift" off the paper.
F1 - Art - Yayoi Kusama
We have been learning about hedgehogs this week. Did you know they have over 5000 spines! The children were excited to end the week with a visit from Greer from Jackson's Animal Rescue. She told the children all about the poorly hedgehogs they look after and the children all held a pretend hedgehog and tried to feed it. Thank you to all of the donations for Jackson's Animal Rescue.
F1 - Hedgehog Visit
This week at forest school we have had our first ever fire! The children sat beautifully while Mrs Noakes explained how to be safe and reminded the children to not walk through the fire circle. Mrs Noakes then cooked us all hot dogs, which we ate with out hot chocolate.
F1 - Forest School - Fire
We have been exploring fire safety. We learnt how to stop drop and roll and which number to ring in an emergency.
The children used paint and kitchen rolls to make sparkly firework pictures.
F1 - Fireworks
At Forest School we have been on a natural colour hunt. We looked high and low and found all of the different natural colours. We then used some of the objects to make art by banging the objects onto paper with a hammer.
F1 - Forest School - Colour
Design Technology - Hats
The children designed their own spooky hats. We looked at different styles of hats, thought about which fastening would hold the hat together. The children then drew their designs. We all carefully followed our designs to make our own spooky hat.
F1 Design Technology - Hats
Spooky Week
The children have been learning about rhyming words in a witches kitchen. Would you like to eat beans on toast or a burnt ghost? We explored making potions, and counting the correct number of ingredients.
F1 - Spooky Week - CP
Our Learning Hero this half term is the Little Red Hen. She shows resilience.
The children have been exploring the story, creating story maps so that we could retell the story and making puppets to use alongside our retelling.
We also had a walk to the local shop so that we could buy the ingredients to buy bread. The children made their bread and then ate the bread with butter and jam.
F1 - Little REd Hen
This week we have been busy making new friends, meeting our teachers and having lots of fun.
F1 - Settling in