St George's Home School Agreement
St George’s Home-School Agreement
Our home school agreement is underpinned by our school mission statement:
’Nurturing our community with opportunities, innovation and love.’
As a school we will:
- Provide a safe, happy place for children to learn and thrive..
- Promote positive relationships, routines and expectations as the foundation of a happy school. We are a respectful community. We are a community where children and staff have respect for others
- Ensure our children’s lived experience at St George’s reflects our RESPECT values.
- Nurture Positive attitudes to learning that are the foundation of ou children’s future.
- Develop resilient, independent learners. At St George’s Primary School, we will develop ‘smart’ learners who understand that hard work, progress and resilience are the essential ingredients for a successful future.
- Deliver a curriculum that fosters a passion and love for learning. Our children should access a curriculum that inspires and motivates them. Learning will be a process of exploration and wonder that develops interest and understanding in all areas of learning.
- Teach our children to be part of a community. We want our children to view themselves as part of a community. We will help our children find their voice and allow them to understand to contribute to our local and global community as positive citizens.
- Teach and encourage pupils to do their best and achieve their full potential as a valued member of the St George’s community.
- Ensure that we allow every child to thrive through a high quality curriculum and the highest quality support to meet needs of every pupil.
- Offer opportunities for parents to become involved in the daily life of the school.
- Contact parents as soon as concerns are raised about a pupil’s work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality.
- Recognise your children’s strengths and celebrate their achievements as foundation for thriving at St George’s.
- Have a fair, clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions for pupils, as set out in the school’s Behaviour and Relationships Policy.
- Communicate between home and school through our Compass parent app, newsletters, the school website, emails and family events or meetings.
- Keep parents informed about their child’s progress, conduct their termly curriculum.
- Welcome parental input and communicate openly and respectfully.
- Allow pupils safe and secure use of the internet and online devices through a combination of site filtering, supervision and by fostering a responsible attitude in all pupils, in partnership with parents to implement a whole-school approach to online safety.
- Promote good attendance and punctuality.
- Ensure that our safety ledge is underpinned by a rigorous approach to any rare instances of bullying.
- Provide home learning that is manageable, purposeful and achievable.
- Provide an affordable and reasonable school uniform policy.
As a parent I will:
- Accept and support the school’s aims, values, policies and procedures.
- Ensure that my child attends school punctually during term time, unless there is a good reason for absence.
- Notify the school by Compass parent app, letter or telephone in the event of absence.
- Support the school’s policies and guidelines on learning, behaviour, attendance and uniform.
- Support my child with core homework that is set and ensure that this is completed on time according to school arrangements.
- Promptly inform the school of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s learning, conduct or happiness at school.
- Promptly inform the school of any medical needs that may affect my child’s well being.
- Stay informed and up-to-date with the school community by regularly reading notices, newsletters, the school website and emails.
- Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at home.
- Attend parent meetings with teachers to discuss my child’s achievements and progress.
- Inform the school immediately of any changes to my emergency contacts details.
- Support the school’s anti bullying policies.
As a pupil I will:
- Ensure that my actions help everybody stay safe, be happy and learn. These are our 3 pledges.
- Try my best, listen and seek help if I am unsure.
- Attend school in the correct uniform.
- Attend school regularly and on time.
- Follow my class charter expectations for classroom and playground conduct.
- Behave in line with the school's Behaviour Policy at all times to maintain the safety of myself and others.
- Stand up to bullying behaviours that may cause physical or emotional harm.
- Show RESPECT behaviours to all children and adults.
- Tell a member of staff if there is something I am not happy about.
- Do my reading and homework regularly and return it to school on time.
- Take good care of the school environment.