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St George's Primary School

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Modeshifts Award 2024 


On Tuesday, we were invited to Birkenhead Town Hall by Modeshift Stars to receive our first Modeshift award! Over the past few years, we have been heavily involved in promoting active travel. We have conducted Wheelie Breakfasts, created and maintained a School Street, had scooter training in KS1 to name a few things!

We were honoured with the company of Ms Marshall, one of our school governors, who took time out of her day to come along and hear about all of our achievements!

Below, are the comments from Chris Malburn (our Active Travel Officer):

St George’s Primary School has been promoting active travel through Modeshift for a long time. As a school they have run lots of “wheelie breakfasts”, collaborated with the police, and even worked with a professor at JMU on trialling an app to track the environmental impact of their journeys – all without our help! They hold events and activities every term and proactively seek opportunities and funding (e.g. for new bike sheds).

The headteacher Mr Cassidy is clearly very passionate, but in a school as huge as St George’s, everything is a team effort – almost a military operation! Miss Jones has the task of keeping track of all the active travel and road safety activities which are already happening, as well as organising new initiatives. That’s not an easy task when there over a thousand pupils split across two sites, assemblies are done in 4 shifts, and scooter training requires 8 sessions per year group, across 2 days!

The school also has several members of staff who manage the barriers for the School Street road closure every day at the lower site, which is another huge benefit for pupil safety as they arrive and leave the school, as well as promoting walking, cycling and scooting to school.

We have more ideas that we’re working on, so I don’t think it’ll be long before St George’s will swapping their bronze Modeshift certificate for a silver one!

Modeshifts Awards 2024