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Heart Dissection in Year 6!

Today, Year 6 had a wonderful time dissecting hearts as part of our current science topic: Our Bodies. We used our prior knowledge of the circulatory system to further investigate the role of our heart within our body. We were able to find and label the four heart chambers as well as the vessels going in and out of the heart. When we dissected, we then discovered tendons (heartstrings) that prevent back-flow of blood.


Children commented:

“Today, I learned that there are tiny muscles holding the heart together.” - Theo

“I discovered that the left side of the heart has more muscle than the right side so it can pump blood to the whole body. The right side is smaller because it only pumps blood to the lungs.” - Harley

“I discovered that atriums and ventricles are different sizes.”

“I found out that the tendons in the heart help the muscles contract, and also that there is fat around the heart.”


All in all, an extremely interesting exploration of the heart, which has hopefully inspired our budding scientists and future biologists!  

A huge thank you to Mrs Bowden-Pickstock for facilitating our learning today. We have discovered so much!

Y6 Heart Dissection