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Cool Climate Challenge 2024

Some of our Year 6 Eco Council bravely represented St. George’s Primary today at the annual Cool Climate Challenge. This year, Cathcart Primary (as reigning champions) hosted 6 schools for the competition. We all were given an environmental challenge and an hour to plan our response…

The challenge?


Design a project to reduce carbon emissions from one source in your school.

We had to consider many things, such as: 

  • What our campaign will look like
  • How we will get people involved
  • How we will measure our impact
  • How we will share our success. 

We diligently studied the 5 carbon emission sources - food, travel, waste, energy and water - before deciding to base our project around waste. 

Ideas flew across the table until we eventually settled on two projects we could focus on: every new starter receiving a high-quality reusable water bottle (ideally metal), and redesigning our recycling, general and food waste bins to encourage greater care when throwing away our waste. We also wanted to audit waste in order to salvage some to use for junk modelling and other projects linked to the curriculum. 
We knew we would have to discuss our projects with Mr Cassidy, governors, site team, finance officer and business manager to gain their support. We then planned to write letters to the council and PTA to help fund our ideas, and would spread our messages throughout assemblies/newsletters/staff meetings. 

Once our project seemed watertight, next was the scary part - presenting to the other five schools! Competition was tough. Ss. Peter & Paul’s Primary were the victors and will be hosting next year.

We still had lots of fun and even met the Mayor of Wirral, Councillor Cherry Povall JP.
Take a look at the pictures of the day.