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Governing Body

Welcome from the Chair of Governors

At St George’s Primary School we have a Governing Body with a wealth of experience and knowledge that compliments our enthusiasm and ambition to ensure sound governance of our school. Our purpose is to ensure the quality of education provision, and to be responsible for the good conduct and high standards of educational achievement in the school. It is the Governing Body’s responsibility to set the strategic development of the school, to monitor and challenge progress, to enable objectives to be achieved and ensure transparency.

So how do we achieve this?

We have three committees that review the school’s Curriculum and Pastoral Care, Resources and Premises, and the standards of the school analysing the children’s progress. These are held each term, giving our Governor’s insight, and a platform to challenge. In addition to this, we regularly visit the school to observe lessons and other activities.

As a Governing Body we are proud of all of our Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff and especially of our children who every day show their passion for our school’s ethos of RESPECT.

We wish your child every success and happiness at St George’s and hope the information on this page is helpful.

Charlotte Scott

Role of Governing Body

Our Governors are volunteers from the local school community who work together to ensure that the school is well managed.  The Headteacher and representatives from the school work force are also members of the Governing Body.


1.  Standards Committee - Pete Dunning (Chair)

2.  Resources & Premises Committee - Jon King (Chair)

3.  Curriculum and Pastoral Committee - Brian Clark (Chair)

Attached is our:

  • Instrument of Governance
  • Scheme of Delegation
  • Link to Governing Body's Committee Attendance Register
  • Link to Governing Body's Minutes
  • Annual Meetings Calendar
  • Link to Governance policies including the Governing Body Code of Conduct

Who are the school's governors?


Every school has a Governing Body to represent the public in the running of schools. The Governing Body supports the Headteacher and staff and is accountable to its stakeholders for the school's overall performance and for decisions it has made.

St Georges Primary School has 13 Governors made up as follows;

  • 6 Community Governors. A community governor are people who, in the opinion of governing body, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. 
  • 5 Parent Governors. A parent governor is a representative and not a delegate of parents and should not become personally involved in any individual concerns. 
  • Head Teacher Governor.  It is expected practice for head teachers to be a member of the governing Body.
  • 1 Staff Governor. A staff governor role is not to represent staff, nor stand alongside the Headteacher in being held to account by the governing body, but to operate as part of the governing body to provide strategic leadership and to hold the headteacher to account.  Mrs Horton is a staff governor

The Governors are the formal strategic body who meet once each term to set priorities for the school and agree on the long term plans including the school budget. This section includes minutes of their meetings, information about vacancies and the different types of governors.


Governor Type

Committee Membership

Nominated Governor Roles

Brain Clark


Resources and Premises
(Chair) Curriculum & Pastoral


Charlotte Scott


Resources and Premises
Curriculum & Pastoral

Mental Health

Chas Lucking


Curriculum & Pastoral

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Jacob Thomas


Resources and Premises
Curriculum & Pastoral


Joe Pollard


Curriculum & Pastoral


Jon King


(Chair) Resources and Premises
Curriculum & Pastoral


Julie Marshall


Resources and Premises
Curriculum & Pastoral
Vice Chair FGB


Mark Wiggins


(Vice Chair) Resources and Premises
Curriculum & Pastoral

Sports & Wellbeing 

Pete Dunning


Resources and Premises
(Vice Chair) Curriculum & Pastoral

Pupil Premium

Sarah Robertson


Curriculum & Pastoral


Tom Freeman


Curriculum & Pastoral


Wendy Alderton


Curriculum & Pastoral


If you would like to contact of our Board of Governors you can do so by writing (please mark an envelope as confidential for the attention of Chair of Governors) via the school office given Governors are not based in school Alternatively, if you prefer email, please contact the Clerk to Governors at and your correspondence will be forwarded accordingly.

If you have any questions about our Board of Governors, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk for Governors. 

Mr Choudhary - Clerk for Governors

You can write, leave a message through our contact us form, a confidential message at the front office or e-mail

Declaration of Governing Body Interests

All governors declare any interests that they may have. We ensure that we keep an annual record of this.  Details for the Governing Body are below:



Business/ Pecuniary Interests

Relationships Between Staff and Governors

Governor at Other School

Bernard Cassidy


School Improvement Associate and System Leader

(no personal payment for this role - to school)



Jon King

Community Governor

Support 2 Independence




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 Please also see:

Governing Body Attendance Registers

Governing Body Minutes

Governance Policies

Statutory Reports


Parent Governors

 Parent Governors play an important part in our school.  Occasionally,  we have to hold elections for parent governors.  this area of the website is used to share information and election forms etc. 

What Do Our Governors Do?

  • School governors have important responsibilities for the overall conduct and development of the school.  
  • We have restructured with a new Chair of Governors, new Vice Chair of Governors and different committees to improve the way that we work. Governors will be asked to work with senior leaders in the school in areas of strength or interest. These include HR, data, curriculum, safeguarding, special needs, buildings, finance, curriculum, health and safety.
  • Governors attend a few meetings every term (normally in the evenings) and work with senior leaders in specific areas on aspects of school improvement and policy.
  • Governors are central to the strategic development of the school. This includes decisions regarding budgets and how we ensure that senior leaders are accountable for the performance of the school.

Clearly the views of parents and the skills that they can bring are of great value to our Governing Body.  All governors, including parent governors, are valued for their contribution to the life of the school.

What Are the Expectations of Parent Governors?

All governors bring something different to our Governing Body.  We are looking for governors who have skills, interests or experience in:

  • Promoting highest standards of safety and safeguarding in the school. You do not need to be an expert in this field. We will provide detailed induction and training. We are looking for a governor to champion the importance of safeguarding.
  • Ensuring that we provide our children with an excellent curriculum. You do not need to be an expert in this field. We will provide detailed induction and training. We are looking for a governor with a passion about learning.
  • Our current parent governors say that on average you need to able to commit a minimum of 8 to 12 hours a school term to attend meetings, read papers, undertake school visits etc.
  • That you undertake basic training and induction
  • You are interested in children and education
  • That you are a positive and open-minded person, who enjoys working with others.
  • Confidentiality and discretion. 

How Will the School Support Me in My Role?

  • Ensure a full induction and a governor mentor to help you adjust to the role
  • We are a positive, friendly and welcoming group. There will be a lot of support.
  • Access to high quality online training and impartial advice.
  • Face to face training opportunities to help you develop and understand how the school works.
  • We will also offer you:
  • A chance to contribute to the improvement of our local school.
  • A chance to develop new skills
  • Tea, coffee, biscuits and a friendly welcome

Do Parent Governors Enjoy the Role?

Below is a quote from one of our current parent governors who is now also the Chair of the Board.

‘Being a Parent Governor has given me a great insight into how our school is run. So far, I have been involved in a number of valuable tasks including taking part in the recruitment process for new teaching staff. During both the Committee and Full Governor’s Meeting’s I have been able to contribute with ideas or with my opinion on various matters. I thoroughly enjoy being a Governor, not only do I feel I am contributing to my children’s education, I also have learnt so much about our school and the education it provides.’  Charlotte Scott, Parent Governor

How Do I Find Out More?

Information about the role of Governing Bodies and Parent Governors can be found in lots of different sources.  This includes: