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St George's Primary School

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Curriculum Aims and our Teaching and Learning Policy

In this page we outline our ambition for teaching and learning at St George's.  Our curriculum is under pinned by the four key drivers below.

At the bottom of this page you can access our detailed learning and teaching policy.   This is the most important guide for our staff and governors.

You can also visit our:

Curriculum Subjects

Oracy @ St George's

Assessment @ St George's

Special Educational Needs Information

Examinations Information

Remote Education Offer @ St George's

Our curriculum is enriched through:

  • Commitment to a broad education. As well as the core curriculum we have chess education programmes, environmental schemes, STEM projects, cycling schemes and pupil voice initiatives to develop leaders.
  • Fidelity to national curriculum and local R.E curriculum expectations.
  • Emphasis on oracy, language and vocabulary as a Voice 21 centre of excellence . We want our children to find their voice.
  • Belief that inclusive practice is good for every child. With effective support every child can access our curriculum and thrive with Access to clubs and activities.  Nearly all of these are free or low cost at the point of delivery.
  • Opportunities for children to go deeper and share their learning through our ‘limitless learning’ initiatives on Google Classroom (KS2) and Seesaw (EYFS and KS1)
  • A commitment that no child is left behind. We support learning with homework clubs and laptop loans for all children in KS2.
  • Education that allows children to visualise new opportunities through exposure to careers and higher education from a young age.
  • Effective use of outdoor education to add depth to children’s learning, including forest school education.
  • Effective use of information technology through access to devices, high speed broadband blended learning, assistive technology and virtual reality.
  • Effective use of Spiritual, Social, Moral and Cultural education (SMSC) from Early Years onwards. We want tour children to have ‘in depth’ learning experiences with global national and local cultural links.
  • Strong use of pupil voice to help our children be good citizens and live the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect.
  • A clear and progressive plan of personal development using our RESPECT values, diversity principles and our PSHE and RSE schemes of work.
  • Huge investment in trips and residential education opportunities. We now run three affordable residential opportunities in Year 4 (Chester), Year 5 (York) and Year 6 (London).


In each curriculum area, you will find each subject has:

  • Clearly-defined aims
  • Well-structured long term plans
  • Progression maps to guide our children through the curriculum.


Image below shows how we mould our curriculum:


Our curriculum s under pinned by a whole pedagogy using the Evidenced Based Education’s Great Teaching Toolkit.  We are a trailblazer school for this initiative.  Our staff are all trained using the Great Teaching Toolkit CPD model.



Please speak to your child's class teacher if you would like any further information about our curriculum. While annual curriculum overviews are published within this section of the website, termly information may be found on your child's year group page.

This section is designed to ensure that:

  • We communicate our curriculum content, aims and progression clearly to families.
  • We celebrate learning at St George's.  Families should visit our news section to follow curriculum events and initiatives.  
  • Provide important information on all examinations including SATs, phonics screening tests and 11+. 






Parents, Carers and other interested parties can directly download our curriculum information.  If you have any further queries these can be sent to Mrs Susan Walters who is the PA to the Senior Leadership Team.   You can also email Mrs Walters.  Her email address is;

Mrs Walters will ensure these are responded to by the appropriate curriculum leader.